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CCTV Cameras Updated in Uppingham

CCTV Cameras Updated in Uppingham

A series of upgrades to CCTV cameras in Uppingham have been completed and are already making a significant contribution to community safety in and around the town.

Modifications to the CCTV network which covers Uppingham and Oakham have been ongoing since October with the aim of improving and expanding coverage in key areas.

Uppingham previously had four CCTV cameras to assist with community safety and local policing. These have now been replaced with brand new units that can provide the high-quality images, even in darkness. The network in Uppingham has also been expanded with the addition of four new cameras at locations such as North Street East roundabout and the recreation ground.

All cameras have a live link into Leicestershire Police Force's main Control Room, allowing operational commanders to oversee activities in the town in real-time and deploy resources as needed.

Upgrades to the network in Uppingham have been carried out gradually over a number of weeks but were finally completed at the end of November. All of the new equipment is now in place, connected and fully operational.

Footage from the new cameras has already been analysed by Police investigating last month's robbery at Martin's News Agent, after the network captured images of a vehicle thought to be involved in the incident.

Councillor Roger Begy, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety at Rutland County Council said: "CCTV is an extremely important tool in helping to prevent and deter crime, particularly in rural areas where police resources are often limited. Rutland remains a very safe place and while total crime in the county has fallen by more than a quarter since 2011we know antisocial behaviour remains an issue in some areas, with around 300 incidents reported each year. The new CCTV cameras in Uppingham are already proving to be a valuable asset and will help to improve police response and prosecution rates."

David Ainslie, Mayor of Uppingham, said: "The Town Council have taken a keen interest and been kept up to date with the improved CCTV capability in Uppingham, which is one part of an integrated package at our disposal to deter crime and keep our streets safe".

Posted: Tue, 22 Dec 2015

Tags: CCTV, News